Sunday, February 17, 2019

GALLERY: 28mm WWI Western front

Well having joined a great WWI forum I thought it was only right to show some of the work I've done over the years in a more complete form ,so here we go.
So ,lets start with the early war French and there are none better then those produced by Renegade Minis..below you will see numerous shots I took over time of the forces at my disposal in squads of ten men. These include Regulars ,Chasseurs ,Marines and Machinegun teams. I absolutely loved painting these sets an actually painted lots and lots more but these were the only ones

I also briefly had a go at some original Wargames Foundry stuff but they were very small in comparison and I don't think I got the best figures really.

Some shots of a shoot I set up using the lovely sets of trenches from Grand Manner. These are more surface trenches but work  great for their amount of detail and fitting together so well.

Next we have the good old Tommies , British in all their early glory. Again these are Renegade and again beautiful sculps for this period. They also added Scots troops and Highland troops as well as the usual machine gun teams. Again great to paint...although did have a time deciding on the final colour of the jackets.

Here we see a mix of Battle Honours and Foundry in a slightly different jacket colour and I used these troops as Canadian just for reference on the battlefield...artistic licence at its

Finally in this early period we have The Hun ,Germans and again Renegade did a lovely job on the sculps and the animation and again great to paint...within the sets you have regulars as well as Jaegers and machine gun teams and as for all the other early troops from them you could also get figures with early forms of gas mouth covers for this period.

Here we have moved on to the later period of the war and the simple changes in the uniforms and the problems with bogged down trenches. The first here are the British and these figures are actually from Great War miniatures ...a company that came along after the original releases but that went on to produce a brilliant range in the period. Got these actually from E-bay and they again are a pleasure to paint and fit in ok with my Renegade Germans.

Finally here are my late war Germans...actually given to me by my great friend John Martin and leading to the need for the  beautiful set of figures greatly animated and really looking the part for this later period...many having the ne stormtrooper weapons that appeared at this time.

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