Saturday, March 16, 2019

28mm WWII Battle no.1 (Bolt Action)

                                             All the figures used in the game are for sale if you are interested.

Well its not all painting you know and so decided to have a little R&R and have a game of Bolt Action. Luckily I still have a few vehicles and tanks with me and a few sets of Germans ,US and went for Western front 44.
I went for 3 German squads of 8 men a command team of 3 a heavy machine gun team a Hetzer and a Stug III.
For the Allies I went for 2 British squads of 8 men with mortar team a halftrack and a command team in a Universal carrier & a Sherman tank. Plus 2 US squads of 8 men with a command team of 3 with a jeep and a half track plus a multiple gun carriage.


Above we see the Allied set this was a bit squashed as I wanted to get straight into action. The British were ready to attack across a bridge whilst the Americans headed for a river ford to the north.
Below is the German set up with 2 squads covering both the ford and the bridge and a 3rd advancing from the rear with the Stug III. The command team and the Hetzer have taken up a position to cover anything that crosses the bridge. Finally the heavy machine gun team are positioned in the centre to cover any advances.

Below are more close ups of the initial set-ups...

The Stug III and the 3rd squad approach from the north whilst the Hetzer and command can be seen behind the barn area. An LMG. team can be seen also covering the bridge. 

The German command are confident of their positions.

German heavy machine gun covering the river ford supported by the 2nd squad.

Below are the Allied start positions cramped but ready to go.

As you can see below the Americans head straight for the ford with their 1st squad in the halftrack supported by their  second squad and fire from the multiple gun. Whilst the British head the Sherman straight across the bridge supported by their 1st squad and fire from the mortars.

The Germans advance the Stug III down the road with its squad in support.

Fire opens up from the German heavy machine gun and the 2nd squad on the Americans but fails to pin them down.

Straight away the Sherman is hit by fire from the Hetzer and from a panzerfaust from the tree line from the first German squad. The troops advance around the tank but are fired upon by the German 1st squad.

The British are finally pinned by fire from the LMG.

The Americans continue to advance now clear of the sights of the German HMG.

Wih the Brtish pinned the Germans Bring their Stug III into action and secure for the time being the river crossing via the bridge.

But its a different matter in the north sector as the Germans holding the farm are pushed back to the outer fences and the "pig pen".

The American advance continues unabated as both squads are now close in the fight.

Final view at the end of turn three looking down on the table British half track with their 2nd squad has moved up to support the 1st but with the bridge blocked its looking easy pray for the Stug III.

This is as far as I got with this game as the Chief Exec. (wife) appeared and told me it was 2am. so more to follow...

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