Tuesday, March 26, 2019

28mm French & Indian War Skirmish Game

Having put together a small skirmish set of 1st Corps 7YW stuff for the French & Indians war the next thing to do was game. Above shows the set up at the start of the game and the forces used  are as follows
2x British regular companies a company of Jersey Blues and an artillery piece.
2x French Regular companies a company of militia and a small company of Grenadiers
The British are defending the Stockade against the French attack but the French appear to have got the drop on them ,although the blockhouse and the Farmhouse are full of British Regulars.
Below are some closer shots of the initial set up 

The main French force advance along a dirt track

Above British regulars stand ready with the artillery support
Below British regulars set up defences around the farm house as they view French regulars crossing the crop fields

To the south of the farmhouse the Jersey Blues form a firing line as they see French militia coming out of the trees

British troops in the blockhouse and the farmhouse

At the outbreak of hostilities the French attack on all sides and the British open fire with muskets and gun with casualties being suffered on both sides

The Jersey troops easily manage to halt the advance of the French militia and eventually charge them from the field

The French main advance falters as they loose heavily trying to advance down the track

By the farmhouse the British regulars are retreating slowly outnumbered

In the battle around the farmhouse the support now from the Jersey troops allows the British to halt the French advance and finally force them into retreat

With heavy losses the French on the track are in disarray so the British see their chance and a charge send the French reeling back

Finally the French Commander uses his Grenadiers to at as a rear guard so their retreat does not turn into a route. The French live to fight another day

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