Monday, March 25, 2019

28mm Gates of Troy Skirmish Game

In the Gallery section you will see some of the Trojan war Hero's and warriors I have painted over the years and here is a game I played with those very figures. The game is based on a supply train bound for one of the gates of Troy protected by Lucca warriors lead by Prince Hector and Lord Aeneus ,which is spotted and attacked by a force of Greeks and their hero's....Prince Paris is in command of the Trojan support force.

Here we see the supplies heading for the City

The force of Greeks lead by Agamemnon ,Achilles ,Odysseus ,Ajax and Menelaus 

Paris sees the Greek approach and comes to the gates with a force of Trojan long shields

The Lucca warriors fall out to attack the Greeks

Agamemnon .Achilles and Odysseus attack the Lucca with their Greeks

Whilst Menelaus and Ajax go to cut of Paris and his force of Trojans

Paris's relief force is held a bay whilst the main battle rages

Menelaus and Ajax fight hard against the Long shields

As the battle rages the supplies are still making their way to the gate.

All the hero's fight hard and Hector takes his toll on the Greeks

Eventually the supplies reach the city gate and the remaining Long shields cover all the retreat.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!
    This is a great job dude!
    Just one thing.. what kind of rules are you playing with for Trojan War?
