Sunday, April 5, 2020

28mm French & Indian Wars Project ...update 1

Finally managed to have a look at the French Indian stuff that I have slowly bin adding to over the last year.
I cant believe that I didn't see the Sharp Practice rules earlier and I wouldn't have sold the lovely 1st Corp collection of stuff that I already had...but I suppose that's the way of the world. Above are some of the figures on the movement bases that I adapted for them.
Below are the British comprising of a 3 section unit of regulars with yellow facings and relevant Colonel ,Officers and Sgt. and a group of Ranger skirmishers. The figures for the regulars were some that I bought from e-bay and actually I don't know who makes them but I really liked the poses and they match in beautifully with my 1st Corps stuff, of which the units are finished off. The Rangers are a number of base campaign figures mixed with some simple conversions of 1st Corps figures with Front rank highlander heads which seem to work great. The Mounted Colonel is a Foundry Dragoon officer I had .but works OK for me.

Next, below we have our French regulars all done from the 1st Corps figure range including campaign look apart from the Colonel which again is an officer that I had ...and I think he's from Foundry's Seven Years War stuff. hey are done with blue facings. Along with them I have done two sections of Marine Canadian in all blue undress campaign look and these are done using figures from 1st Corps "courier de bois" set.

Others I have ready to add to these are British 60th Royal American , British Local Militia. French Regt. Dillon (don't care if not necessarily accurate I want French in red), a unit of Huron Indians and French local militia.

1 comment:

  1. Superb looking armies! I do really like Redoubt figures! I like Galloping Major for Miltia and such but line troops by Redoubt look the best imho.

