Thursday, September 19, 2019

28mm WW2 BOLT ACTION 44 part 3

Well I've finally got back to the game and the troops finally got into action as they realised that each other was there. The Americans took the first casualties as there jeep crew was hit and pinned down on the main street , opened fire on by numerous German stuff.
The Americans headed straight for the nearest cover with the Germans doing the same and a long fire fight starting up.

American 1st squad taking cover behind a long fence

German 2nd SS squad moving in to the north of the field in an attempt to flank the Americans

American support team moves up.

After a couple of rounds of the fire fight finally the German 1st para squad supported by the Stug enter the field by the bridge.

with the German para 2nd squad to the north over the small bridge

Unfortunately for the Germans the Americans brought up all their supports led by the Sherman

Here we can see the position after the 5th round of play and its getting hot in there!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

28mm Wild West Plains, Native Americans

I was sent these figures by a new customer and have to say really enjoyed both researching and then painting them , right from the markings on them and on their horses. The figures are from the original foundry range and are very detailed and animated. Below we see the mounted warriors in full war paint.

and here are the foot warriors charging in full war paint.

I have more of these lovely figures just arrived so will be at these again very soon.

28mm Napoleonic Limbers

Well its been some time since I updated and having done lots of repetitive Napoleonic infantry of previous units I thought "no point in going over them again" But now were back and with a Limber and artillery
Firstly we have a number of artillery pieces , limbers and caissons for the Brunswick contingent at the Battle of Waterloo...These have  all been done for my friend Paul and they including horse as well as foot. The figures are from Perry Miniatures.

Next we have the British from the same period with horse teams and foot artillery. The figures are again Perry Miniatures.

And here we see some lovely limbers from the Commissar Minis company of Russian Horse guards mid Napoleonics.

You might think this is all but NO because in total I think there were actually 28 full limbers as well as many caissons and pieces...not bad eh...